In May 2021, the first warm contact between the Sheltersuit Foundation and Venn Hypotheken was established. On the first visit to the studio in Enschede, Venn Hypotheken brought along a number of sleeping bags as a first warm gesture. A long-term partnership has now been established and the first distribution has taken place thanks to this partnership.


Who is Venn Hypoteek

Venn Hypotheken is a mortgage provider with a social heart. In addition to providing mortgages, Venn is also involved with those who do not have a roof over their heads.

For example, during a very successful sleeping bag campaign, Venn collected more than 200 sleeping bags that were used as linings in the Sheltersuits. Venn has also made a first financial donation. And there are also a number of great promotions planned for 2022.


The commitment of Venn Hypotheken

To create awareness and involvement in its own network, Venn has set up several successful campaigns, including the sleeping bag campaign among partners. Venn has collected these sleeping bags throughout the country, resulting in a nice number of sleeping bags coming to Sheltersuit.

Furthermore, Venn Hypotheken has activated its network to jointly donate the first 30 Sheltersuits to the Salvation Army in The Hague.

With this project we enter into a long-term partnership in which Venn Hypotheken actively supports the Sheltersuit Foundation by donating money, time and resources. In addition, we are committed to creating awareness within our network.

- Monique van Dongen, Venn Mortgages -


The power of our collaboration

Venn's support has enabled us to provide warmth to 30 people who are homeless. The 30 Sheltersuits were distributed on Christmas Day (temperature -1 °C) in the The Hague region, with the help of the Salvation Army.

Even after distributing the suits, the Sheltersuit Foundation remains involved with aid organizations and the homeless, for example by collecting feedback.


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