The homeless are those who have been shipwrecked in urban spaces. Castaways in city hallways, beached under metropolitan bridges. Vulnerable individuals whose lives have literally gone adrift.

Maritime Recruitment Agency Middle Point has truly transformed itself into a life jacket for the shipwrecked. How? For every professional they hire, Middle Point donates a Sheltersuit.

Caspar Nuijten, Middle Point Commercial Director:

“Middle Point recruits highly trained professionals for work in the maritime sector. Most often, these are engineers, specialists relevant to Naval Architecture, Structural-, Electrical- and Mechanical Engineering and Interior Design. We work for the most part in ship and yacht construction but are also active in the offshore and energy sectors.

Our professionals are craftsmen who design, draw, develop and integrate all sorts of systems on board luxury yachts and other ships. We are a specialized and dedicated recruitment agency working worldwide to secure talent for this sector. The majority of our professional talent is recruited abroad. Throughout the years, we have recruited thousands of engineers with our Dutch and German clients.”

Personal relationships of utmost importance

“Augmenting the recruitment of professionals, we focus on assisting them in their transfer to their new employment. A foreign engineer usually takes along his/her family. Such a family from a variety of EU countries leaves a trusted port for unknown waters! They do not exactly know where they will come ashore, so we help them get settled.

We assist in securing their new home, in their administration and, when relevant, with local immigration and naturalization officials. We think that only when everything is very well organized a professional can be truly productive.

"Our recruiters are conscious of the fact that each time we recruit a professional, we are also helping a homeless."

For us, it is extremely important that each engineer experiences a warm welcome. Middle Point is a family of professionals where personal relationships are of the utmost importance. To create a welcome for our professionals and their families, we organize several events each year.”

Home of Engineers

“For years we have supported initiatives that reflect our core business.  Examples of these include the Plastic Soup Foundation and the Plastic Soup Surfer. Nevertheless, we wanted to do something for a good cause outside of our branch. The essence of who we are and what we stand for is: ‘Home of Engineers’.

Middle Point provides maritime professionals with a new and welcoming home; unfortunately, more and more people do not have such a home. This is the reason why for every professional we recruit we donate a Sheltersuit. We hope in this way to give the homeless something warm and welcoming their lives.”

25 Sheltersuits distribute in Alkmaar

Dedicated specialist

“In the Netherlands, we are the foremost specialist in our sector. We are also very active in the German market. These two neighboring countries house the Champions League of builders of specialized ships and luxury mega yachts.

The Netherlands is, of course, also a major player in the offshore sector. For example, the multinationals SBM Offshore, Heerema, Huisman Equipment, Allseas, Royal Boskalis and Van Oord. A great deal of work in the maritime branch is done during limited time projects. Our expertise is finding the right professional for each specific employer and project.

Our support of Sheltersuit motivates our recruiters enormously. They fully realize that each time they recruit a professional with a client they are also helping a homeless. A wonderful way for an organization to do something for society.

In less than a month, our recruiters will distribute 25 Sheltersuits in Alkmaar together with Sheltersuit Foundation. Fantastic!”


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600 Sheltersuits distributed to homeless people in The Netherlands

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