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Youp Meek
Marlon: Amsterdam is no longer my home
Because of the Brexit, Marlon (56) came to Amsterdam a year ago from London, the city where he once found refuge. But after a life of more than 14 years in England and three years in Spain, he nowfalse
600 Sheltersuits distributed to homeless people in The Netherlands
The fight against coronavirus is in full swing. Anyone who is in a group of three or more but does not keep a distance of 1.5 meters, can be fined. With these stricter measures, the government isfalse
The purity of the homeless is a wealth
Lovely people who are at times just a bit different. This is how Kathleen Denkers of the Regenboog Groep describes her visitors of the walk-in shelters. Kathleen is manager of two of these shelters:false

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