All the latest updates about Sheltersuit Foundation

A Night on the Streets: Stories of Survival and Hope with Veldwerk Haaglanden and Sheltersuit Foundation


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Venn Hypotheken

In May 2021, the first warm contact between the Sheltersuit Foundation and Venn Hypotheken was established. On the first visit to the studio in Enschede, Venn Hypotheken brought along a number offalse

Unsheltered Moments

The Sheltersuit Foundation aims to change the representation of the growing group of people experiencing homelessness around the world, while improving their everyday lives. To date, Sheltersuit hasfalse


We have entered into an exciting partnership with Parisian fashion house Chloé, led by purpose pioneer Gabriela Hearst. As the fashion house's newly appointed Creative Director, she is prioritizingfalse

Rotary Terrigal

In 2019, while visiting the Rotary Capetown, Mary Crammond was introduced to Sheltersuit Foundation and Lyn. After seeing a Shelterbag, Mary’s first thought was “We don’t need that in Australia! Ourfalse

Shelterbags for Los Angeles

At least 63,706 people are currently homeless in Los Angeles County. That’s according to a count by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) where they noticed a 20% increase infalse

The gift of sleep

After her life in Montana took an unexpected turn, Sandra evolved into a seasoned survivor on the streets of New York. “The hardest part of being without shelter is exhaustion. I call sleep ‘the giftfalse

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Help us make the world a better place, one Sheltersuit at a time. Donate now and make a difference. Together, we bridge the gap. For you, and for them.