All the latest updates about Sheltersuit Foundation
A Night on the Streets: Stories of Survival and Hope with Veldwerk Haaglanden and Sheltersuit Foundation
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Mike gives us a tour of a tent encampment in Phoenix
Here at Sheltersuit, we have the privilege to work with other non-profits dedicated to protecting our unsheltered friends across the world.We joined the Phoenix-based organization Cloud Coveredfalse
Kristina and the Artzmobil team
Berlin is facing one of the coldest winters in years – with temperatures falling below freezing. This winter, the Sheltersuit Foundation teamed up with Arztmobil (a mobile doctor’s van initiative), afalse
250 Shelterbags with Auping comfort
In August the first Shelterbags with sleeping mats donated by Auping, were distributed in the Netherlands in the cities of Rotterdam, The Hague and Leiden. Working together with various homelessfalse

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