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Warmth for 879 children in Lesbos


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Alexandre, his cat and his treasure

Meet Alexandre. For the past four years, Alexandre has been homeless on the streets of Paris. For a while, he found safety and security in a social housing estate, but after the building was sold, hefalse

Six feet tall, yet invisible

“I’m so used to being invisible. People pass by me. I’m 6 foot tall! In American culture that’s pretty large! There were actually people that say: ‘oh I didn’t see you.” – Lotus, NY

The purity of the homeless is a wealth

Lovely people who are at times just a bit different. This is how Kathleen Denkers of the Regenboog Groep describes her visitors of the walk-in shelters. Kathleen is manager of two of these shelters:false

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Help us make the world a better place, one Sheltersuit at a time. Donate now and make a difference. Together, we bridge the gap. For you, and for them.