The corona outbreak is currently plaguing the Netherlands, Europe and the rest of the world. Events are canceled, schools are closed, nightlife has come to a standstill and even borders are closed.

Prime Minister Rutte calls the Dutch measures to combat the coronavirus “unprecedented for a country in peacetime”. The reality is that the virus is among us and it will be for a while. Unfortunately, a quick or easy solution is not available.

Tackle the corona crisis

All measures aim to “flatten the curve”, spreading the peak of the contamination over a long period of time. This is how we relieve the burden on healthcare, which is very important. Why? For example, hospital beds and IC beds remain available for the elderly and people with poor health who have contracted the coronavirus.

What if you don't have a house?

The government's advice is to stay at home as much as possible. This way we can prevent a rapid spread of the coronavirus. But what do you do if you don't have a home? If you don't have your own place where you are safe from this invisible enemy? Many homeless people and refugees are in this situation. From the streets of Rotterdam to the camps on Lesbos.

Corona crisis: Do we help the homeless in Europe together?

Thanks to all the support from donors during the Sheltersuit Sleep Out, our social sewing workshop is running at full capacity, with the necessary safety precautions in place. Right now, we want to distribute the finished Sheltersuits to as many vulnerable homeless people in Europe as possible. That is why we will be handing out hundreds of suits in the coming days in Amsterdam and The Hague, among others.

Do you know someone in your area who needs a Sheltersuit in these difficult times? Let us know by filling in this form. You can help us to get the suits to as many people in need as possible.

We never want to stop

Of course, donations are very welcome, because with each suit we can protect someone together. Sheltersuits are still urgently needed in the crowded refugee camps in Greece! Let's stand up for homeless people and refugees together. Especially during this corona crisis.



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Intero Integrity and Sheltersuit: Driving Social Impact and Innovation

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Visiting Salvation Army Roosendaal: Warmth and Hope with Sheltersuits


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Help us make the world a better place, one Sheltersuit at a time. Donate now and make a difference. Together, we bridge the gap. For you, and for them.