Sheltersuit Blog

Sheltersuit opens social clothing factory

Written by Willemijn van Tongeren | Nov 11, 2019 11:00:00 PM

The Dutch Sheltersuit Foundation has recently opened the Sheltersuit Factory

A social clothing factory where garments are made under ethically responsible working conditions. The expansion of the Sheltersuit organisation comes after a relocation to a new office building and larger production facility within the city Enschede in the Netherlands.

Besides the existing production of Sheltersuits for the homeless, the Sheltersuit Factory will focus on the production of third-party confection, clothing, bags, promotional gifts and other fashion accessories.

Fashion designers, firms, and other organizations are now able to have their clothing produced at the Sheltersuit Factory. The expansion facilitates a significant growth in activities and production within our organization.”

Since its inception, the newly founded Sheltersuit Factory has already completed the first couture orders for clients such as the municipality government of Enschede, the school ROC van Twente and the company Robitex. The revenue generated by the Sheltersuit Factory helps to sustain and expand the production of Sheltersuits, which are handed out to people without a home in different countries.

“A huge advantage of the Sheltersuit Factory is that our production of garments takes place in the Netherlands where there are honest and proper working conditions.” – Bas Timmer, founder of the Sheltersuit Foundation

Through a unique social program in cooperation with Dutch government institutions, companies and other organizations, the Sheltersuit Factory employs displaced sewing professionals, student apprentices, volunteers and people with a disadvantage to the job-market.

Aside from creating Sheltersuits and giving these to homeless people, the Sheltersuit Foundation helps the social integration of refugees from war-torn countries through employment, teaching the Dutch language and showing the local culture and customs. We are particularly delighted to announce our established social partnership with Robitex, the company from our home town Enschede which is specialized in promotional gifts.

 Click here to read more about our partnership with Robitex.